Birth Story: Aimee's Version
By Aimee on
On father’s day I gave birth to our beautiful baby daughter. It was the hardest and most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life. I remember reading somewhere that the pain of birth has to be so big to balance out the love you feel when you meet your baby. I can tell you the love is real and worth every painful moment during labour. I wanted to share my birth story here to hopefully inspire others. Sam has also written the labour from his perspective which will be posted soon. Please check that out as well as what he as written is just beautiful and something I will cherish forever. So let’s start this birth story at the beginning shall we.
I guess it all started a few days before my first contraction. Sam was at work and I was at home. If you’ve ever heard of the nesting instinct it is a legit thing! I vaccuumed, mopped, did dishes, dusted, made the bed, and put on some washing. This house was beautiful and clean and I was exhausted but it felt good to have the place ready.
That night after dinner I started to feel a bit of a tummy upset. The old digestive system was saying all systems go and we’re doing a clean out. I didn’t sleep well that night and even thought perhaps it was food poisoning!
The next day wasn’t very eventful but I was feeling better, I was ready for a good night sleep though. Alas I wasn’t to get one. I awoke around 1:30 thinking I was leaking. I’m still not sure if I had any water leak at that time or not but about and hour later I had my first contraction. It was mildly uncomfortable and I wasn’t even sure it was a contraction. But then I had another, and another and started to time them. The longest interval was about 7 minutes and they quickly got closer together, roughly 4-5 minutes apart for a while.
At some point that morning Sam woke up and asked if I was OK. I told him I thought I was having contractions and we got a little excited. It was about 5am I knew they were real and Sam got out the list I wrote him and finished packing bags. Then he made some sandwiches whilst I laboured.
I remember needing to use the toilet a few times and that was the most uncomfortable I was. Trying to pee then having a contraction isn’t fun. The pain was increasing and I found sitting on a dining chair the most comfortable. I’d also sent Sam off to bed, there wasn’t any point us both being exhausted. At around 6 I messaged my mum. I’d also just had my bloody show. Labour isn’t glamorous, it’s messy. About 7 I called my midwives and let them know I was in labour but happy to stay at home for a bit.
By this point I was having to focus on my breathing and I wasn’t talking as much between contractions. Sam started timing them properly too, they were roughly 3-4 every 10 minutes and 1 minute long each. They’d been a minute long from the first contraction however. I was progressing like a textbook patient.
Mum rocked up around 8:30 ish and we chatted and had a cup of tea. I wanted porridge but couldn’t finish it. By the time it was 9:30 I wanted to go to the hospital. Sam called up and we packed the car and headed down the stairs and to the hospital. Getting down the stairs was tricky but doable and the car ride was hard because I was uncomfortable. I can’t remember how many contractions I’d had now but it was getting harder. I used a stress ball and tapped my legs and hummed tunes to get me through them.
Once we got to emergency they offered me a wheelchair to get to the labour ward. I refused it. I think the concept of sitting down was worse than walking. The corridor was long and the contractions more regular but I was determined to get there. Once there they set us up in the room and checked me. I was 4cm dilated. About half way through labour they said. And I was pretty happy I wasn’t going to be sent home. Whilst lying on my back I almost threw up and almost blatantly refused being on my back for the rest of the labour.
I then jumped in the shower and used the heat on my back. My stress ball now forgotten. I used breathing and moaning noises to help me through as well as swaying in the shower. Sam had gone to collect the bags at some point and my student midwife had arrived. I ended up with two student midwives and a call in midwife who was lovely. I mostly just wanted to be left alone in my quiet with Sam as support.
The water in the bath was drawn and I was able to get in. Almost instant relief. From here on things start to get fuzzy. I had my baby’s heart rate checked regularly and my blood pressure checked. I was so very tired now and found it hard to want to stay awake in the tub. Contractions were more intense and some double or triple peaked lasting up to 2 or more minutes long. I had started to be more vocal and had to concentrate very hard on my breathing.
Sam was incredible, he was able to keep me focused and I mostly stared at his nostrils. I remember telling him at one point that he was not to move because I needed to look at him. He also made sure I had plenty of water, a nibble at a banana and back massages. At about 2:30 I wanted to be checked again and had to get out of the bath which I didn’t want to do. I had started pushing and losing control and needed to refocus. They helped me and said I was 8cm dilated. Only 2 more to go! So I jumped in the shower for a bit where my waters broke. Somehow this slowed my contractions down and I was able to get some rest. I did want to jump back in the bath now though.
Even though the gaps between contractions had eased, the contractions themselves were pretty damn intense. I was using my fingers and palms to hit the bath to help get through them. I kept saying “I can do this”, or “I love you Sam” “I love you poppyseed, I can’t wait to meet you” or the occasional “fuck” or “ow it hurts” “I’m so tired” “I’m pooing” (like I said labour is gross. However I knew I was pushing well when this happened.) My midwife said “let’s check you to see if you can just focus on pushing now”. I asked if I had to get out of the bath and she said no. Then she said the best thing - oh! The heads right there, you can push. I looked up at Sam and smiled and said something like “well that’s good then”
My midwives explained how I needed to push, quietly and bearing down with each contraction, holding your breath. It took a little bit but I managed to get it right. I could feel her head. I got into a proper squatting position and pushed with everything I had. My midwife told me to feel the head as it came out. I just remember saying how much hair their was and that it burns! Then her head was out! Slight relief. I was so close to meeting our baby. Next contraction I wanted her out! So I pushed so hard I thought I’d pop a blood vessel. Then out she came! I turned her to face Sam and he saw very swollen genitals and told me we had a little boy! I said “Hello Ruben!” And we cuddled and got up out of the bath. We were wrapped in towels and warm blankets and were put on the bed. I had to check all her bits and lo and behold we actually had a little girl! Oh hello Poppy !!
After ten minutes or so we clamped the chord and Sam unwillingly cut it. The placenta came out next and it was the weirdest feeling but I was happy to have it gone. We then had our first breastfeeding experience and lots of cuddles. All pain a distant memory.
I must say how proud I was of myself to go 14 and a 1⁄2 hours of labour and no pain killers and everything happening completely naturally. We bossed it! I ended up with a small tear but didn’t need stitches and was super happy with the way my body was able to handle such an intense experience. Sam was the most incredible support person ever, and he continues to be the most amazing support as we get used to life with a little human that relies on you for everything. I hope you enjoyed the read and next post will be from Sam’s perspective