Breakfast Treats

By Aimee on

I don’t know about you but I have to say that breakfast has got to be my favourite meal of the day. It has been long said that it is the most important and I don’t think I can disagree. It gives you the energy you need to make it through your morning and hopefully keeps you full long enough to make a healthy decision for lunch instead of going for that doughnut and meat pie at the bakery (even though that is a tasty decision and I literally ate that today).

My partner is also a big fan of breakfast and we usually use this time in the morning as our main meal together for the day and I’m always super excited to see what he will make next. On the odd occasion I will make breakfast but a majority of the time it is him. I think we came to the conclusion that the reason we both like breakfasts so much is because generally there are so many different flavours. So below I have listed the tasty breakfasts that I know I have had the privilege of eating.

English Breakfast:

English Breakfast

Lets look at the traditional English breakfast. You have the lovely eggy flavours, the buttery bread, the salty sausage and/or bacon, a tasty fried tomato and the garlicy mushrooms, yum right? These things may vary a little for us but there is always eggs, tomatoes and some kind of meat. Tomatoes are a clear winner for us when it comes to the English breakfast, just the other day we decided to bake some cherry tomatoes that were still on the vine in the oven and gave our meal this beautiful pop of sweetness that honestly left a smile on my face.

French Breakfast:

French Breakfast

Some days we feel like a cold breakfast and Sam will do what he calls a “French Breakfast”. Now when I think of France I normally think of Baguettes and Croissants and all types of delicious pastries which is pretty much the main part of this dish. Now I don’t recommend eating this all the time but on occasions this is a super tasty way to start the day. We have two croissants, one plain and one chocolate, with a side of fresh fruits depending on what’s in season. Some cold cuts like ham and Swiss cheese and then a small bowl of yoghurt. I normally get halfway through this meal and



What would I do without the tasty simplicity of pancakes? You can have them covered in lemon and sugar, or jam and cream, or Nutella, or honey or whatever floats your boat really. They are so versatile! I remember Sam made them savoury once with a side of curried potatoes and sour cream. The ones pictured we had with a mix of lime and sugar (didn’t have lemons) and homemade raspberry jam with a side of bacon, because, well, bacon is tasty.



Pretty much just a fancy pancake the ones pictured here had Nutella, whipped cream, fresh strawberries and honey, because we can. I remember being in America and by the end of the trip my brother was teaching the Americans how to use the Waffle Iron that they had in the hotel. But unlike pancakes you have to whip egg whites and that always feels like a waste of egg to me, none the less, always a tasty breakfast treat.

French Toast:

French  Toast

And last but not least the glorious French toast. With its lovely eggy, cinnamon flavours dripping with honey and topped with smoky bacon which creates this amazing mix of sweet and salty, how can it go wrong? I think when we had this particular French toast we had it for dinner, not breakfast but I do love breakfast meals so very much.

So! There you have it, a mix of tasty breakfast treats that are always a great way to start the day. I don’t think I could have waffles every morning but a couple of eggs and some fried tomatoes always put me in such a good mood.