Christmas Bauble D.I.Y
By Aimee on
Every Christmas I like to do something crafty. As a kid I used to make little gift boxes using the previous years Christmas cards. As an adult I normally make my niece and nephew costumes, this year however with our lovely new house I decided to make some decorations. The big thing this year is the bauble Christmas wreath. I saw it pop up on my Facebook and thought to myself that yes! This is what I will do. Until I went to look at a pool noodle and thought that it was going to be way too big! Back to the research stage and I found someone who used a coat hanger. Bingo, I was back in the game. A rummage through my cupboard and a trip to Target and I had what I needed.
- Metal Coat-hanger
- Baubles (I used the 100 pack from Target)
- Pliers
- Hot Glue Gun
The Making
Pull the coat hanger into as round a shape as possible. Then using either your hands or the pliers undo the twist at the top. If you feel that the caps of the baubles may come off hot glue them to the bauble to start with. Mine seemed fairly solid and so I skipped this step. Start sliding on your baubles and making sure that they cover up as much of the wire as possible. You many need to play around with how they all fit together before adding more baubles. I used about 60-70 of the baubles from the pack that I purchased and they were all the same size. It will vary depending on the size of the baubles you use.
Once they are all on, wrap the wire back to where it was on the hook of the hanger and you are done! If you choose you can add some ribbon or tinsel to hide the wire but I just left it as is. And there you have it! One beautiful bauble Christmas wreath.