
By Aimee on

Starfinder Book

The future of Dungeons and Dragons… literally. Many years have passed, and you now role play in a futuristic galaxy with aliens, monsters, starships and a variety of planets. The things that haven’t changed is your dungeon crawling, looting and battles. Our group have recently changed to starfinder after almost a year of playing the same characters from my last D&D blog post. We still love them but it was time for a change. Sam is now our current DM or GM as it is called in starfinder and we have a range of interesting characters.

Ship Miniature

We have completed two sessions. So far our characters have crashed a ship, traversed a maze, battled Barathu (floating alien crustaceans), gone on some sort of acid trip and purchased a new ship. We then aided a distress call, had our ship stolen by pirates, entered the belly of a space whale, got our ship back then battled a giant hairy plant whilst rolling for mutations.

Barathu Whale

The characters that did all of these crazy things are:






Who knows what will happen the next time we play? Sam has a wild imagination and it is fun to be surprised about what will happen next. The only thing we do know is we have a map to find a legendary labyrinth.